
Beetroot: Nutrients facts and Health benefit of Beets


Hello everyone! It’s nice to be back with everyone again on this nutritious platform. We are back with on the healthiest fruit/vegetable. This veggie is red in color and is edible from its root to leaves. This is also used in making natural dies for food and even clothes. Beets are a root that is also known as the taproot part of the beet plant. Beetroot is the word that is famous for this veggie in North America. Beetroot has several other names like Table Beet, Garden Beet, Sugar Beet, Red Beet, Dinner Beet or Golden Beet. Know the Nutrients facts and Health benefits of Beetroots. 

Beetroot is from the species of Beta vulgaris variety. This is a species which was mostly used as a food coloring and many medicinal uses. Beetroot was and is being used in the majority when a person suffers from blood problems, like anemia and so.


Nutritional value of beetroot

  • Beets are a high source of folate followed by vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Pantothenic acid and few more.
  • Also including some more vitamins like Thiamine, Riboflavin, and Niacin.
  • Essential minerals like potassium and manganese are present in it in high quantities.
  • Small amounts of magnesium, iron, phosphorous, potassium, sodium and zinc.

Health benefits of beetroot

Lower Blood Pressure

  • High blood pressure is indeed one of the most dangerous conditions for the heart. In this world, 70% of the population today is suffering from this deadly disease.
  • Beetroot contains a reasonably good amount of nitrate which makes our blood thin and relaxes out blood vessels. Hence regulating it properly and not causing any obstructions.

Increased Exercise Capacity

  • Physical exercises like gymming, running, playing can make our bodies exhausted at a very high rate. To increase the endurance of our body a regular intake of nitrate is important. Many studies have also proved that the intake of nitrate increases our performances during high endurance tasks.
  • Nitrates in food have also resulted in producing more energy by enhancing the efficiency of mitochondria. Mitochondria is a cell that is responsible for energy production.
  • Consuming beetroot and its juices have resulted in increasing stamina and immunity while doing high-intensity exercises like running, cycling, swimming, and others.

May Help Fight Inflammation

  • Betalains are a substance that is present in beetroot. This substance in beetroot makes it an excellent anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Obesity, heart disease, liver disease, and cancer might be the reasons behind chronic inflammation in the body.
  • When tested on rats, results show that beetroot juices are amazingly effective in reducing kidney inflammation and to cure blood-related problems like anemia, thick blood, which increases hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Though more research is being conducted in this field to attain accurate results.

May Improve Digestive Health

  • Food in our stomach digests because of juices secretes by our stomach and pancreas i.e. digestive and bile juices respectively. Digestive juices are further formed because of dietary fiber that we eat.
  • Our stomach releases some digestive juices naturally. But when it does not perform properly we are then required to support it by eating more dietary fiber-rich food.
  • Beetroot is one of those plants that contain a high amount of dietary fiber, because of which it helps in the digestion.
  • Consumption of beetroot helps in curing many stomach related problems like gastric, constipation, and inflammation to some extent.
  • It also is effective against reducing chronic diseases, colon cancer, heart diseases, and diverticulitis.


May Help Support Brain Health

  • As everybody knows the brain is the 2nd most important organ after our heart. Therefore, taking good care of it is very important. We almost research all the health care tips on the internet about our bodies, but we hardly think about our brain, do we?
  • Have you ever searched about, “How to take care of our brain”? Just like me, you must have not thought about it. Gladly we are here to tell you about it.
  • Beetroot helps in improving our brain and mental health. It helps in hydrating our brain muscles making it work more efficiently. Secondly, it needs proper blood flow to keep working.
  • As our age grows our blood loses its density and nutrients. Beetroot helps in maintaining blood density and the number of RBC and WBC in the blood.
  • It makes our blood thin if it starts to get thick due to many possible reasons.

May Help You Lose Weight

  • Beetroot is high in fiber and water content therefore it is an ideal food for weight loss. Fiber increases the secretion of digestive juices which digests all the remaining food in our stomach.
  • High fiber foods are generally low in calories and have a moderate amount of proteins in it, which in turn controls the fat consumption and mages the weight loss.
  • Though there is still some more researches going on with scientists in the field of all vegetables and fruits whether they actually result in health benefits or not.
  • But in Ayurveda it beetroot and many other vegetables and fruits have notable health benefits.

Helps Treat Anemia

Anemia is a condition where hemoglobin in our blood starts to decrease which in turn makes our blood thinner and useless. It is caused due to lack of iron in our blood. Beetroot is an excellent source of iron and it also solves all the blood-related problems and anemia is one of them.

Ayurveda and science both agree with the fact that beetroot helps in increasing blood in the human body and also it treats the deficiency of iron and problems like anemia.

Also ReadHow to grow beetroot.

Side effects of beetroot

Not everything natural is safe these days, you never know the vegetables you are eating, might be a product of urea also. It is better to plant your own veggies or buy organic for the wellbeing of your family and loved ones.

Beetroots are very rich in fiber and iron therefore it may lead to some problems which are not life-risking but can create trouble for you if not treated or stopped on time. Some of the problems are:

  • Stomach problems like loose motions, vomiting, and stomach ache.
  • Do not consume if you are taking medicines for thinning your blood.
  • We do not comment on anything for pregnant women as it may or may not be risky depending upon your and your baby’s condition. We will suggest you consult your doctor, although it is safe to consume during pregnancy also.
  • It may cause you a mild headache.

For more information on other plants please click on the links below.

Thank you for reading.

Here at gardeninfograph we try to bring in front of you many relatable topics that are can add up to a healthy diet in your homes to keep your family and friends healthy. Some topics that we have covered are corn, Custard appleedible flowerscardamomblack peppercucumberolivegroundnutfennel, lettuce and you will find many more.

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